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Flip Board State Of The Nation !


Why Not CHANGE in Massachusetts, Mr. President?

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Why Not CHANGE in Massachusetts, Mr. President?

By John W. Lillpop

Just how is it that Barack Obama, whose entire campaign for the
presidency was based on CHANGE, has suddenly gone wobbly in the knees
about that very concept, at least when it comes to the open seat for
the US Senate in Massachusetts?

After all, the late Senator Ted Kennedy served in the Senate for 46
years. He was first sworn in to the Senate in 1963, when baby Barack
was still dithering about in diapers, somewhere in Kenya or Hawaii.

46 long years, Mr. President!

All the while, Kennedy carried the banner of liberal extremism and was
the "hit man" for leftist causes that are now crippling our great
nation, its economy, its moral standards, its defense, and its social

Regrettably, the woman Democrats would like to install in Kennedy's
seat is another far-left lefty who, until recently, has presumed
Kennedy's seat to be the sole and exclusive property of the Democrat
Party and the Kennedy family.

That is, until the recent surge by conservative Republican Scott Brown
who skillfully reminded Coakley and Democrats that, in fact, Kennedy's
seat belongs to the people.

You know government by and for We the People, a concept that has
apparently fallen into harsh disfavor with Democrats!

Scott Brown's reminder has helped build momentum for his candidacy,
which may actually succeed in bringing badly needed CHANGE to
Massachusetts and the Marxist-dominated US Senate.

Looking for real CHANGE that will actually benefit America?

If so, the choice is very clear: End 46 years of the same old politics
as usual nonsense and elect Scott Brown!

After all, CHANGE is what it is all about, right Mr. President?

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