
Showing posts from April 19, 2009

Check out Our Newest Member of the Prieto Post Family!!

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FlipBoard Mag of the Month

Flipboard mag of the Month

Flip Board State Of The Nation !


Lice can be nice to us

Word Choice Fail

Hello Kitty Beer is sure to catch your guy's attention

CIA Confirms That Waterboarding Produced High Value Information

Opposition grows to Obama legal adviser nominee Koh

Apparently We Can Turn Carbon Dioxide Into Eco-Friendly Biofuels Now [Green]

Obama mocks GOP criticism

Scholars Reject Obama's Stance on Warrantless Cell-Phone Records

The military, in an attempt to keep one step ahead of the enemy, unveils its newest secret weapon: the iPod touch...wait...wut? [Amusing]

Finish lien is dat wai.

Abraham Lincoln was born a Muslim, says filmmaker. He chose to live by Islamic edicts like abolishing organized slavery; establishing equality of all human beings, democracy and accountability [Strange]

6 things that could ruin Twitter (and 5 that won't)

SlumDog Millionaire Child For Sale by her Father

"The United Nations global racism meeting is the first for eight years. Naturally it will discuss the evil racism of jews, the barbarism of jews, the slaughter of children by jews, and the destruction of civilisations by jews" [Asinine]

Oh, here’s your

Ex-CIA chief: Obama risks national security