
Showing posts from April 13, 2008

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FlipBoard Mag of the Month

Flipboard mag of the Month

Flip Board State Of The Nation !


DNC debates prove it

Hillary Clinton BUSTED on tape being very bad!

The world's largest cruise liner - for the time being

Praying passenger removed from plane at NY airport

Planes, Trains and Plantains: The Story Of Oedipus...the best essay ever.

Clinton Strategist Penn Says "Resignation" Is Media Stunt

Cereal Mascot Reunion (PIC)

Solved: mystery of the disappearing lake

Pro-Clinton Diggers Try to Bury Jed Report's Latest Video

People Aged 1 to 100 Banging a Drum (in Order)

Digg Now Has An Account On Twitter

Umm ... What If I Can't Help It? [PIC]

Girl owned by treadmill 3 times

Mr. Awesome - How To be a Gamer & Pick up Chicks

Greg Mitchell: The Debate: A Shameful Night for the U.S. Med

Devastating Clinton YouTube Video Hits Web

The Top 8 Worst Microsoft Promo Videos

Who says cats have bad grammar?

World Population to Hit 6,666,666,666 in May

Why John Edwards Cannot Endorse Hillary (In His Own Words)

How glasses affect your image [pic]

Female Athletes Resist Saudi Restrictions

Lick Me (pic)

Matt Hickey as a Lolcat

Hillary Plans Presidency

I Can’t Even Begin To Imagine The Pain (PIC)

President Obama To "Immediatly Review" Potential Bush Crimes

D.C. Woman Arrested for Asking Police the 'Wrong' Question

He's Dead Jim

Jimmy Carter Embraces Hamas Official/TRAITOR

Mini iMac Mod Wants to Be a Real Mac When it Grows Up

Lost Childhood [pic]

Digg's Front Page Stories as a Hyperlinked Photo Mosaic (UrlyArt)

Life explained

Digg in the 90s [pic]

Can you see the hidden image?

Digg this if you are sick of $cientologists burying articles

Best Mugshot Ever?

Dear Dumb Ass (An 11 year olds note to Geek Squad)

Racist GOP Rep. Calls Obama 'Boy'

Most Epic Betrayal

Giant Millennium Falcon Toy Jumps Out of Hyperspace (PICS)


Naked Pictures of Your Buddys Girlfriend

Obama-Say What??

Russia to Send Monkeys to Mars

Why dogs are man's best friend (PIC)

Scientology making yet another fraudulent medical claim

One Pissed Off Liberal is not bitter - he's outraged!

This is not a joke folks...

Angry Elephant Charges

Guy Goes fishing 1.5 miles offshore and Catches This

'OpenMac' Promises $399 Headless Mac... But Not From Apple

Clinton: Gore And Kerry Lost Viewed As Elitist

6 Responses to “Do These Jeans Make Me Look Fat?”

Hello - Yes, I'm on the train - arrghhhh!

This.....Is hardcore (pic)

Human-Computer Interaction in Ubiquity Era 2020

Tree man hopes to marry after 4lb of warts were removed

Hillary Clinton: I'm More American Than He Is

SNL digs at Hillary's support for war and sniper fire. Funny

Blasphemy at it's best

The PS3 Laptop: from Ben Heck to Engadget with love

Amazing "Oh Sh*t" Moments [pics]

156 step Rube Goldberg Burger

Hilarious explanation of the US Electoral System! [VIDEO]

Combat Robot Rebellion Against Human Masters in Iraq

Star Destroyer [PIC]

Vote for NOBODY

Grandfathers Accidentally Switched At Hospital

We Dump Old Subway Cars into the Atlantic, and it's Good

Student gets Suspended for Answering Call From Dad in Iraq

More Perfectly Timed Pics (PIC)

I'm with stupid (pic)