
Showing posts from November 29, 2009

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FlipBoard Mag of the Month

Flipboard mag of the Month

Flip Board State Of The Nation !


"I'm trying to sum up President Obama's first 11 months in office. He gave billions to Wall Street, cracked down on illegal immigrants getting health care, and he's sending 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. He may go down in history as our greatest Republican president ever." -Jay Leno

Taliban attacks a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Pakistan. Now they have gone TOO FAR [Scary]

For the fourteenth straight day, the three broadcast networks have failed to report on the great and growing ClimateGate scandal on their weekday morning or evening news programs [Asinine]

Tell me again why guys who

He Whose Name We Dare not Speak at X-Mas!

learn to land

Obese Air Passenger Photo Sparks Debate

An Open Letter to President Obama from Michael Moore

Obama Tells Nation He's Going Out For Cigarettes

Priorities of U.S. Soldiers

The empty head leaves a lot of room

Seven stories Barack Obama does not want to be told [Interesting]

Dubai Has Always Been Bankrupt -- Morally & Environmentally

Man Sentenced for Killing Sister over Western Clothes, Make-Up...