
Showing posts from June 27, 2010

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FlipBoard Mag of the Month

Flipboard mag of the Month

Flip Board State Of The Nation !


Obama says "crime along the border is down." If, by "border" you mean crime in Arizona cities not rural areas adjacent to Mexico and by "is" you mean "in 2008" [Fail]

More Earthquakes Rattle Oklahoma

m-m-m-uhst drink watr

The Life of a Turtle, Through the Eyes of a Turtle [Turtle]

White House Denies Federal Aid for Flood Victims

Who Did We Declare Independence From?26% Don’t Know!

Jonas Brothers Cancel OKC Concert

What if Star Wars AT-ATs could act like pets?

Taliban Rule Out Negotiations With Nato

The U.S. Government is pressuring search engines to rank socialist links higher. Bonus: explained with caps lock and italics [Obvious]

Want to know the best way to create jobs? According to Nancy Pelosi, it's more unemployment checks for the jobless. Who could argue such piercing logic? Checkmate, GOP. CheckMATE [Fail]

Y u no slipz in2 sumfin nice,

Democrats want you to do their work they are paid to do, but they want you to do it for them for free. If only there was a word to describe this [Stupid]

EH? I can’t hear you…

Sen. Al Franken Naps, Draws Cartoons During Kagan Hearings

Legislator calls governor a whore, and then is shocked SHOCKED that funding for projects in his district was vetoed [Obvious]

Geography FAIL

Obama targets 2025 for Asteroid landing, and the 2030s for a Mars visit. Also hopes to assume control of the Solar Federation in 2112 [Hero]

Gaza, in response for support against Israel, decides to burn down a UN summer camp for children [Dumbass]