Who I vote for: By John Prieto

Well here comes another Election. The primaries are just about done.
So far we have Clinton, Obama and McCain as the survivors in there perspective parties.
You've probably have noticed from my previous blog posts that im no fan of Clinton or Obama.
And for full disclosures sake, you should know I am republican and that I like to consider myself a Moderate one at that.
But here comes the Big surprise. I don't like Mc cain either. which makes me a very unhappy camper.
So it comes to not who's the better choice. but who's the least worst. so let's look at at the choices we have , shall we?
Hillary Clinton: She has more baggage than I care to remember. I firmly believe that she is still married to Bill for political reasons only. She thinks it her god given rite to be President of the United state. I also think Bill is either consciously or subconsciously torpedoing her campaign . She has proved her self time and again to be dishonest with the Bosnia Sharpshooter boast being just the latest of her “misstatements”.
Barac Obama: (formerly: Barry Obahma) that alone gives me reason to pause. “Barry” has relatively no political experience. His best buddy, reverend Wright, is a not so closet raciest and about as anti American as you can get. but still Obama wont disown him. If I had a family member say anything close to what rev Wright said, I'd have nothing to do with them. Slowly the real Barry comes out with quotes like “Typical white person” and “bitter Pennsylvania's“ give us a glimpse in to the type of person he is. He says; “I run for change” well what change is that?
John McCain: Even though he has by far the most military experience (the others have NONE),
is as close to being a war hero as you can get and still be alive to tell the story. It's still not good enough for Democrats. It's funny how in the last election it was such a big issue for them, with John Kerry running and earning Purple Hearts on the swift boats of Vietnam. Claiming that George Bush wasn't good enough because he was “Just A National Guard Fighter Pilot”. It just doesn't seem to be an issue this time (I wonder why). Liberals have stated that to vote Mc Cain is to have 4 more Years of Bush. This is where I beg to differ, and is one of the reasons why I probably wont vote for him.
Mc Cain has gone out of his way to be an independent or even side with Democrats on many issues and has made a point to undercut Republicans. In fact you could almost count on him to take an opposite approach to most Republican initiatives. In past elections, he has shown to have an anger management problem, which has caused him to be defeated before. Finaly Mc Cain/ Find-gold Campaign reform has left the election process in shambles.
Well there you have it. Thats what I think about our candidates. Tell me what you think.
I just hope that whoever we elect, we don't end up regretting it.