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Today is National “Men Make Dinner” Day

Today is National “Men Make Dinner” Day

Oh boy oh boy we’re turning our patriarchal society on its head because today is National “Men Make Dinner” Day.

Ok, now since you’ve continued reading, we assume that you are a man who NEVER cooks. And that you fit the profile of the ‘men’ who have inspired this once-a-year occasion.
The ideal participant in ‘National Men Make Dinner Day’ is the man who:
helps with household chores
has a sense of humour and is a great all-around guy
loves his wife/girlfriend, kids and pets
…BUT NEVER LEARNED HOW TO COOK, and is somewhat afraid of the idea.

Officially celebrated on the FIRST THURSDAY OF EVERY NOVEMBER, ‘National Men Make Dinner Day’ is for you!!

One guaranteed meal cooked by the man of the house one day of the year!

Today also happens to be my lovely girlfriend’s birthday, so apparently this day should henceforth be christened “Give Chris a Lot of Crap to Do” Day. Though, in fairness, I wouldn’t subject her to putting anything I produce into her mouth. Anything that doesn’t rhyme with “toad of rum”, that is.

Anyway this day seems like a great idea until you think about the fact that any man dumb enough to take part is probably an awful cook. I’d say odds are pretty likely that his day can quickly become “Throw A Steaming Hot Pot of Burned Chicken Cacciatore at Your Horrified Wife Then Take Her to the Hospital and Pretend She Just Slipped in the Kitchen While the Doctor Looks on with Disbelieving Eyes” Day.
