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Obama hands the reins over to Congress


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via by admin on 3/12/09

Obama hands the reins over to Congress

Despite promises, it looks like the inmates are running the asylum:

President Barack Obama on Wednesday signed a $410 billion bill to fund most government operations through September 30, but warned the U.S. Congress must stop jamming spending bills with lawmakers' pet projects.

"Let there be no doubt: this piece of legislation must mark an end to the old way of doing business, and the beginning of a new era of responsibility and accountability," Obama said in discussing his decision to sign the controversial measure.

"I am signing an imperfect … bill because it's necessary for the ongoing functions of government, and we have a lot more work to do. We can't have Congress bogged down at this critical juncture in our economic recovery," he said.

Read it here.  And better yet - check out this video from this morning's "Today Show" with Matt Lauer - one commentator had some choice words about Obama - "It looks like congress, not the president is in charge."

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