ACORNs Keep Falling
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ACORNs Keep Falling
ACORN, a radical activist group whose main goal is to agitate and disrupt businesses to give them what they want, is reeling. Just this past week patriot James O'Keefe released two completely unbelievable videos showing ACORN workers at two separate offices (Baltimore and Washington) helping himself posing as a pimp and his colleague posing as a prostitute set up a business to hide the real source of their income, filing for a loan to buy a house from which to conduct their "business" and offering vast amounts of advice on how to avoid getting caught. Of course the videos are not really that "unbelievable" when you consider what ACORN is – a criminal enterprise corrupted to its core.
ACORN's response to the videos were typical and laughable with a member of ACORN's board in Maryland (Margaret Williams) calling the videos an attempt to smear the organization. No Ms. Williams, an attempt to smear ACORN would be to make such claims of ACORN without actual evidence. This is just ACORN getting exposed for who they are. ACORN further attempted to claim that because these two patriots attempted this same act at other ACORN offices and were denied that it proves that ACORN is not corrupt and does not support such actions. OK, so if they went to 10 ACORN offices and two of them acted like this is the, "We're only 20% corrupt, so we are not really corrupt," defense viable? Nope. Not in my mind.
Especially when you consider that ACORN's flagrant legal violations are staggering. They have former higher ups that have even called the organization corrupt. They have high ranking members in some states under indictment for paying workers per voter registration they turn in, against the law I might add. They have had many lower level workers hauled up on charges of filling out fraudulent voter registrations as well and they have been overwhelming local registration offices for years by dumping thousands of fraudulent registrations on them at the last minute making it nearly impossible to weed through who is a legal voter and who is not.
ACORN was literally forced to fire the workers caught on tape involved in helping a pimp and a prostitute and in the process committed several illegal acts. They had no choice. If they did not fire them the organization would be an even bigger laughingstock that it already is. ACORN cannot defend itself as every month more and more crap hits the fan which comes from the people involved with the organization. And while ACORN claims to be clean and that it is only some bad apples that are committing these acts within their ranks can we really believe that when it is so easy to find these people? If it were only a few bad apples you might expect a case here and there. But when every time you turn around there is another ACORN employee involved in some untoward activity the evidence that the organization itself is corrupt becomes overwhelming.
Now, after months of complaining about AC...
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