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FlipBoard Mag of the Month

Flipboard mag of the Month

Flip Board State Of The Nation !


Olbermann Declares War on Glenn Beck and Roger Ailes


Sent to you by John via Google Reader:


Uh oh.

Responding to Glenn Beck's Twitter call for his followers to dig up all the dirt they can find on Obama officials, Keith Olbermann is calling for all the dirt on Glenn Beck.

I don't know why I've got this phrasing in my head, but: Find everything you can about Glenn Beck,  Stu Burguiere, and Roger Ailes. ...

Tuesday we will expand this to the television audience and have a dedicated email address to accept leads, tips, contacts, on Beck, his radio producer Burguiere, and the chief of his tv enablers, Ailes (even though Ailes' power was desperately undercut when he failed to pull off his phony "truce" push).


Things you can do from here:

