Obama in Denmark: Another “Stimulus” Failure
Obama in Denmark: Another "Stimulus" Failure
By John W. Lillpop
CHICAGO ELIMINATED! was the blaring headline on this first Friday of
So what? was the reaction of anyone who follows Chicago sports with
any degree of sincerity.
After all, being eliminated is a tradition dating back to 1945 for the
Windy City when referring to the obligatory sacking of the Chicago
Cubs from baseball's pennant races or playoffs.
Eliminated, ALA Chicago Cubs, happens as early as mid September and as
late as mid-October. Whether early or late, it happens every year and
no amount of audacity can change that fact.
Now the Curse of Chicago has extended its ferocious tentacles and
brought down the bid of the Windy City to be the Host City for the
2016 Olympics.
This despite the "sacrifice" of President Barack Obama, Michelle
Obama, and Oprah Winfrey.
Or perhaps BECAUSE of the meddling interference of this elitist trio?
Still, being the good sport that he is, Barack Obama will probably use
this public humiliation as a "Teaching Moment" for America and the
As Obama works to spin this defeat into a win, he will surely focus on
the fact that racism is not limited to white Republicans in America.
Denmark and all of the IOC are also afflicted.
Another tactic would be to allege that things would have worked out
differently if the president had been able to devote more of his
personal time to the bid.
ObamaCrats will proudly point out that this president is the Commander-
in-chief and was appropriately focused on the war in Afghanistan as a
priority item, rather than the gory details of corrupt Chicago politics.
Which is why President Obama met with his top Afghanistan commander,
Army General Stanley McChrystal for 25 minutes on Air Force One in
That 25 minutes was a huge sacrifice made by the president on behalf
of the 68,000 American troops in harm's way in Afghanistan.
If race and the Afghan war do not convince skeptics, Obama can always
drag out the W. card:
America lost the opportunity to host the 2016 Olympics because of
George W. Bush and his awful blemishing of America's image hither and
In other words, Obama inherited the elimination mess from W.
Perhaps it is time for this president to have a long, quiet talk with
his inner child in order to accept a brutal truth:
America, and all of the world, is gagging on the over load of
Obamamania being forced down our throats.
We are tired of your pretty face and throaty voice, sir! ENOUGH IS
ENOUGH, Mr. President!
Despite what Oprah and Rahm have been telling you, you are NOT the
Messiah, a Star Wars Yedi, or the Dark Knight.
You have been prominently portrayed as the Joker but that is another
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