"The System Worked:" Napolitano Takes Heat For Christmas Terrorism Attempt [Flight Risks]
"The System Worked:" Napolitano Takes Heat For Christmas Terrorism
Attempt [Flight Risks]
As blame for the Christmas bombing attempt flies, and travelers remain
confused about pat-downs and carryons, Janet Napolitano's statement
that "the system worked" is drawing major fire.
Peter Baker of the New York Times Caucus blog writes,
To the list of phrases it may be best for political leaders to avoid
after a major security incident, add "the system worked" right after
"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
Just as the public did not really share President George W. Bush's
assessment of how things were going after Hurricane Katrina, so too
was there a good deal of skepticism when President Obama's homeland
security secretary declared faith in a system that failed to stop a
guy who tried to blow up a passenger jet on Christmas Day.
According to Baker, Napolitano "does not think the system worked
across the board, only that it worked in terms of the response after
the attempted bombing took place." Understandably, some think our
homeland security should work before someone lights himself on fire ―
and critics are now calling, literally, for Napolitano's head. Baker
quotes Investor's Business Daily: "clearly, Napolitano's head must
roll." The New York Post ran an article with the headline, "Homeland
Chief An Airhead - Says Security System Worked," while the National
Review went for the simpler "Fire Napolitano." Perhaps in response,
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