Rats Deserting a Sinking Obama!
Rats Deserting a Sinking Obama!
Rats abandoning a sinking ship isn't a novelty but when it's the Good
Ship Obamapop, it's newsworthy:
NIMBYMP! Not in my back yard, Mr. President!
Democrat incumbents and wannabes from Missouri to Florida to Nebraska
are treating Obama as if he were afflicted with the plague and a Death
Panel has already passed sentence.
No fools they, the Dem pols would rather go it alone rather than have
a presidential albatross around their necks. It makes sense, too,
considering his endorsement track record success of zero percent:
Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts.
Actually he's zero for four if we count his and Michelle's desperate
failed trip to Copenhagen to bring home the 2016 Summer Olympics to
Chicago. That first-round elimination was a humiliating face slap,
repeated in December via a humiliating rebuke at the global climate
talks, also in Copenhagen.
Not ready to get slapped silly by voters come November, "A Democratic
Senate candidate in Missouri denounced the budget's sky-high deficit.
A Florida Democrat whose district includes the Kennedy Space Center
hit the roof over NASA budget cuts. And an endangered Senate Democrat
denounced proposed cuts in farm subsidies."
The only problem with that analysis is that just about every Dem
running this year is "endangered." Just ask Virginia State Sen.
Creigh Deeds, former New Jersey Governor John Corzine, and
Massachusett's A.G. Martha Coakley what happened last year.
Also, with a rampant anti-incumbency fever infecting the electorate,
every Dem officeholder, federal, state, or local, is more vulnerable
since the leader of their pack is the guy most responsible for the
As a Baltimore Sun article put it, "It is a time-tested campaign
tactic for politicians to declare their independence of party
leaders. But the tactic is particularly important for Democrats this
year, because their party dominates Washington, and being an insider
is a political liability in an anti-incumbent climate."
Pointed questions proffered by perspiring Dems at an Obama Q&A session
yesterday only served to heighten the feeling that they are unhappy
campers in Obama's Camp Sweaty. As Senator, (not "Madame") Boxer
said, "California is hurting:" http://bit.ly/9bJ05U
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