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Flip Board State Of The Nation !


Barack Obama -- Taking liberties with the truth

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Barack Obama -- Taking liberties with the truth

Bill Otis writes:

When Joe Wilson shouted, "You lie!" at Obama, he was criticized, and rightly so, for a gross breach of decorum. But the infelicity of the breach has faded with time, revealing the real reason the electorate, especially independents, has turned against Obama: He does lie, people have started to figure it out, and he lies about things voters care about.

Here's short a list of lies, not in any rigorous order, that are doing him in:

1. "You'll be able to keep the health insurance you have now." What a crock. You can't keep a health insurance plan that's gone bankrupt because Obamacare requires it to take all comers but disables it from charging what the enhanced risks really cost.

2. "It's not about big government. It's about smart government." Only the government isn't smart enough to put a cap on an oil pipe, creating the biggest environmental disaster in history.

3. "I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon." Sure, if this includes absolutely nothing that would make the mullahs take him seriously, much less fear him, but plenty that has justifiably enhanced their contempt.

4. "We cannot continue government borrowing at the present pace." In a sense, Obama was telling the truth there. He's increased the pace, dramatically, and has the country headed for bankruptcy with such alarming velocity that even the MSM has had to cover it.

5. "I am a post-partisan." Except that he jams through a gargantuan health care plan the country doesn't want and can't afford, all on a Democrats-only vote, and with the needed assistance of what in any other context would be recognized (and possibly charged) as bribery.

6. "There will be no tax increases on anyone making less than $250,000." There's no way to put together a short list of the ways in which this is false, but a reference to what's going to happen in slightly less than six months will do.

7. "I will be President of all the people." Except for whites and Republicans who wanted to vote at a certain Philadelphia precinct. When Obama's DOJ drops the case with a speed that would make Jeremiah Wright blush -- overriding the judgment of DOJ career attorneys (one of them a former ACLU member) -- the case gets deep-sixed by the MSM (but is percolating to the surface anyway).

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