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Flip Board State Of The Nation !


Michelle Obama: “Private” citizen with piles of public perks

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Michelle Obama: "Private" citizen with piles of public perks

Team Obama is playing the "private citizen" card again to create a bubble of political protection around the profligate, policy activist First Lady.

We've seen it before.

When conservatives challenged Mrs. O's caustic 2008 campaign trail statements disparaging America and fear-mongering for votes, her hubby invoked the "civilian" shield. He threatened Republicans to "lay off his wife", arguing that political spouses should not be subject to public scrutiny because they didn't choose public life.


Obama's outspoken bitter half conscientiously and deliberately inserted herself into the public square long before the family moved to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue — whether it was organizing a Woods Fund panel with her husband and Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, taking a publicly-subsidized government job with Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, parlaying her relationship with political mentor Valerie Jarrett into a cushy public job at the University of Chicago Medical Center, where she oversaw a patient-dumping scheme that benefited her political cronies, leveraging her hubby's Senate victory to snag a lucrative seat on the cor...

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