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FlipBoard Mag of the Month

Flipboard mag of the Month

Flip Board State Of The Nation !


The prettiest woodpile I've ever seen


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via Boing Boing by Maggie Koerth-Baker on 12/22/10


My dad emailed me this photo today. I think it's just lovely. In fact, I'm not sure I'd have the heart to take the sculpture apart, even if I did need the firewood.

Dad didn't know where the photo came from. Do any of you? I'd love to know whether it's the work of an artist, a creative cabin owner with a lot of free time—or even just a nice Photoshop job. Whichever it is, I like it.

UPDATE: Solved! In, like, two seconds. You guys are amazing. The artist is Alastair Heseltine.

Also, I just want to take a quick moment to clarify that, when I wrote "creative cabin owner with a lot of free time", I did not mean that as an insult. My apologies for crappy wording. I meant that more to distinguish professional artists from people who don't consider themselves capital-A Artists, or who have other jobs, but who make the time to pursue artistic hobbies that they love. Something like this couldn't have been thrown together in an afternoon on a whim. It was something somebody had to have taken a lot of time to do. That's what I meant. I just worded it really poorly.


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