Rebecca Black Rooster vs. Usher Goat: Who Sings Better?
Rebecca Black Rooster vs. Usher Goat: Who Sings Better?: " from Video Gone Viral
Ever since Rebecca Black’s Friday took the internet by storm earlier this year, talent scouts from around the world (youtube users) have been looking for the best alternative to cover her work or improve upon it. This talented bird has set a new standard:
The Rebecca Black Rooster is not the only talented crooner on the farm. This billy goat sings on tune and with soul. Together the rooster and this goat could make a whole album of pop hits. Which one do you think is the better singer?
Btw, the long version (6 min) of the goat is here.

Ever since Rebecca Black’s Friday took the internet by storm earlier this year, talent scouts from around the world (youtube users) have been looking for the best alternative to cover her work or improve upon it. This talented bird has set a new standard:
The Rebecca Black Rooster is not the only talented crooner on the farm. This billy goat sings on tune and with soul. Together the rooster and this goat could make a whole album of pop hits. Which one do you think is the better singer?
Btw, the long version (6 min) of the goat is here.
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