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TSUNAMI RELEASE as featured today in W.A.M. News Room
Breaking News: A.C.O.R.N. Ties to S.E.I.U. Exposed Post follows this introduction
It's no news to those who participate in TSUNAMI MEDIA that Obama's community organizers and Mobama's favorite Socialist Union are co-operative cornerstones in his Regime's GAME PLAN to take over the U.S. - via social re-engineering, immigrant union intrusions plus no-volunteer National Service - all to establish the permanent rule of his Administration and the no-longer-democratic party. The use of these sleazy team players to disrupt the business world and break down the already weakened economy has been at the core of the Obama/Alexrod/Emanuel strategy all along. But, until now, the MainStreamMedia has ignored and buried this under-belly of collusion.
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LINK TO: http://www.wam08.org/GetInvolved.html ACTION PAGE FEATURES ORIGINAL BECK EXPOSE
A Glenn Beck interview with an election attorney has exposed the fact that the SEIU (Service Employees INTERNATIONAL
Union) contracted the angry mob which intimidated AIG employees at their own homes this past week. According to this report,
the "Muscle for Money" program, revealed by a former A.C.O.R.N.employee at hearings held last October, involves formal
work contracts between the SEIU & A.C.O.R.N. in which poor persons are paid to make targeted, aggressive protests.
These "protests" are then covered by the MainStreamMedia with the appearance of spontaneous events led by "everyday
Beck followed up on the mobs which terrorized AIG executives homes when he noticed the protesters were arriving in
organized buses, which were rented by A.C.O.R.N. Referencing A.C.O.R.N.'s shady history, the reporter referred back
to A.C.O.R.N.'s arrangements of voting booths in Nevada casinos as their instrument for assuring Obama's "win"
of last year's Primary caucus in the state. A.C.O.R.N is also being investigated on criminal vote fraud complaints
in several other states for related misconduct.
The "bus tour" attack on AIG families was, specifically, arranged by Connetticcut's (sp) Working Families Party
as one of A.C.O.R.N. & S.E.I.U.'s many public faces. Cleta Mitchell, an attorney who has followed the underlying
connections of these groups explained that the S.E.I.U. has spent tens of millions of dollars on all kinds of
organizations over the last five years. Federally funded in part, and also supported by George Soros, one of
A.C.O.R.N.'s multifold "campaigns" for change includes the legalization of drugs in the U.S.
As Beck noted, former A.C.O.R.N. employees repulsed by the organization's methods and associations have
contributed to exposing their tactics but avoid public statements. One such witness invited on air declined,
expressing fear for her two year old daughter's safety.
W.A.M. ALERT The spider-web of socialist intrigue doesn't stop there. The recent TV network
attention on waves of AIG protests has been used to fuel public enmity toward corporations in order to
gain Congressional passage of CARD CHECK. This union-organizing legislation, spearheaded by the S.E.I.U,
abolishes the secret ballot and would open the door for this INTERNATIONAL union to propagate
intimidation tactics, similar to those above, on successful non-union companies and small businesses
across the nation.
If you, as an "ordinary citizen" (not paid by A.C.O.R.N. or the S.E.I.U.) and have not yet contacted Washington
to block passage of this "Employee Free Choice Act" (aka CARD CHECK) link here to sign in and send
your State's Senators a FREE FAX now:
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