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Man Gets Slapped With a $28,000 AT&T Wireless Bill


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via The iPhone Blog by Jeremy Sikora on 2/24/09

Could this be a sign of things to come with tethering and the iPhone? Will all of us who own iPhones be vulnerable to these overages if we choose to start using software like the upcoming SlingPlayer Mobile?

A Chicago man (Jamesus — hoping it was not you, buddy!) decided to watch a Bears game via Slingbox on his laptop before leaving for a cruise… Harmless enough one would think, but his AT&T wireless data card decided to pick up a international signal while he was still in Miami… end result: A $28,067.31 bill for international data charges. It's safe to say the data card was picking up the wrong signal and with a few customer service calls he eventually did get the charges dropped down to $290.65.

So all of you travelers out there, take heed if you are traveling on a fringe area take all precautions to avoid something like this happening to you…

[Via EngadgetMobile]

This is a story by the iPhone Blog. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store.

Man Gets Slapped With a $28,000 AT&T Wireless Bill


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