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Pope Lays Down The Law To Pelosi


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via American Conservative Daily by J.J. Jackson on 2/24/09

One thing is for sure. Nancy Pelosi can no longer claim ignorance over when her chosen faith teaches that life begins as she has in the past. Speaker Pelosi has tried, rather humorously in the past, to act like she has a clue about what her church teaches on what is and what is not life. But after her visit with the Pope she can no longer feign such ignorance.

VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday told U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a Catholic who supports abortion rights, that Catholic politicians have a duty to protect life "at all stages of its development," the Vatican said.

Pelosi is the first top Democrat to meet with Benedict since the election of Barack Obama, who won a majority of the Catholic vote despite differences with the Vatican on abortion.

The Vatican released remarks by the pope to Pelosi, saying Benedict spoke of the church's teaching "on the dignity of human life from conception to natural death." That is an expression often used by the pope when expressing opposition to abortion.

Of course, with as arrogant as Nancy Pelosi is and her apparent past belief that even though Catholic teaching on life is clear, and it is clear because even myself as a non-Catholic knew of them, will she listen? How long until she issues another proclamation defying her own freely chosen religion which she claims to hold dear acting as though she knows more about the religion than that religion's leader?


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