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Another Democrat in Trouble

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Another Democrat in Trouble

No wonder Democrat politicians are so quick to raise taxes—they aren't paying them anyway.

California's Rep. Pete Stark, a senior House Democrat who helps write the nation's tax laws, has been claiming a $1.7 million Maryland home as his principal residence in recent years, although he represents the Golden State's 13th District on the east side of San Francisco Bay.

The 77-year-old Stark has saved himself nearly $3,900 in state and county taxes by claiming the six-acre waterfront estate as his principal residence, according to an investigation by Bloomberg News.

Maryland law allows the tax break only to those residences used "for the legal purposes of voting, obtaining a driver's license, and filing income tax returns."

Notified of the discovery, a state official said an investigation would be launched.

UPDATE at 3/23/09 9:34:36 am:

Here's Pete Stark in 2007, saying that President Bush is amused by children's heads being blown off:


UPDATE at 3/23/09 9:49:55 am:

Stark isn't the only Democrat to use Maryland for this purpose: Soccer Dad: Maryland - the sanctuary state.

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