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Flip Board State Of The Nation !


Lefty sheep should fire geithner, dodd, and frank for role in national crisi...


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via by treosensei on 3/22/09

So is this the change the leftist radical demulecrat sheep promised? Fabricating language within the "stimulus" which protects bonuses and financial rewards to the corporate pirates who engineered the downfall of the nation? These fools are the leaders demulecrats want for the country?

Barney Frank is an indefensible hypocrite as is Dodd. Dodd failed miserably in his oversight responsibilities. The papers and everybody else have got it right. It's a flip-flop on his part.

Geithner is simply an incompetent tax evading slimebag who is clearly clueless in handling his current position.

No demulecrats on this board call their own party's idiots on their improprieties do they? Everyone is perfectly fine with the bumbling mess that the administration has now created, bringing the government down to the base level of the financial system?

That is what I call leftist sheep. Lemmings blindly following whatever their talking heads, lefty spin news programs belch out over the airways.

Geithner claims he JUST now found out about the bonus situation in the deal? He was the architect of the AIG deal. You demulecrats are happy with this?

obama, geithner, frank and dodd are now spending FAR more money in 50 days than Bush spent in ALL of his 8 years in office.

Printing 1 trillion dollars like we did just the other day will devalue the US dollar severely. It will lead to hyperinflation and severely diminishing our buying power longterm. This could lead to a depression, a collapse of our dollar and our financial system.
You may very well be destroying the dollar's worth while your "gamechanger" prez is on jay leno. Sophisticated investors are moving their money out of cash and into gold as a result.

The collapse of the US dollar.

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