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FlipBoard Mag of the Month

Flipboard mag of the Month

Flip Board State Of The Nation !


Are We Going Bankrupt?


Sent to you by John via Google Reader:


via Power Line by John on 3/22/09

Senator Judd Gregg says that Barack Obama's budget will drive the United States into bankruptcy. That's a plausible claim. So, what public needs are so urgent that they are worth risking financial collapse for? The London Times itemizes some of the earmarks in the Democrats' recent omnibus appropriation bill:

- Removing tattoos from gang members (California): $200,000

- Polynesian Voyaging Society (Hawaii): $238,000

- Swine odour and manure management (Iowa): $2m

- Preserving Lahontan cut-throat trout (Nevada): $250,000

- Stable fly control (Nebraska): $866,000

- Blackbird management (North Dakota): $265,000

- Encouraging teenagers to abstain from sex (Pennsylvania): $24,000

One wonders whether a people as feckless as we evidently are deserves to survive.


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