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Harvard’s Muslim chaplain advocates death for conversion

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Harvard's Muslim chaplain advocates death for conversion

Harvard and Islam, the perfect partners! Harvard and its graduates (Harvard Graduates have an overwhelming influence in the halls of Federal government) are leading the charge for Globalization and the complete removal of national boundaries. Islam's goal is that every man, woman and child in the world converts to Islam, voluntarily or by force, and that all the world is governed by Islamic Sharia Law.

Humanistic liberals dont mind sacrificing a few million people at the hands of Islam, in the naive and fatal belief that over time they can change what Islam is and has always been from its founding; a bloodthirsty warrior false religion to a benign false religion that comes to the round table of global religious ecumenism.

from The Washington Times:

Muslim chaplain's crimson take on death for conversion

What do Pakistan's Swat Valley and Harvard University have in common?

Their leading Islamic authorities uphold the Shariah (Islamic law) tradition of punishing those who leave Islam with death.

There are differences, of course. For one thing, Shariah actually rules the Swat Valley, while Shariah's traditions, as promulgated by Harvard Muslim chaplain Taha Abdul-Basser, retain a more or less theoretical caste. In a recently publicized e-mail, for example, Mr. Abdul-Basser approvingly explained to a student the traditional Islamic practice of executing converts from Islam.

As the chaplain put it: "There is great wisdom (hikma) associated with the established and preserved position (capital punishment), and so, even if it makes some uncomfortable in the face of the hegemonic modern human-rights discourse, one should not dismiss it out of hand."

Certainly, one should not dismiss Mr. Abdul-Basser out of hand - or the chilling implications of what it means to have a religious leader at Harvard validate the ultimate act of Islamic religious persecution. But dismissing - or, rather, ignoring - this controversy is precisely what Harvard is doing in what appears to be an institutional strategy to make it go away. No one from the public-affairs office I contacted would answer questions or return phone calls. The lady who unguardedly answered the phone at the Harvard Chaplains' office couldn't get off fast enough, offering by way of answers a faxed "On Inquiry Statement" prepared by Mr. Abdul-Basser in which he issued a raft of denials unrelated to the e-mail statements in question.

"I have never called for, advocated or otherwise supported the murder of anyone - ever," he wrote. Nope, he didn't, especially since under Shariah, death for apostasy is not considered "murder."

"I have never expressed the position that individuals who l...

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