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World's First Portable Espresso Machine Now Available for US Caffeine Addicts [Cafe]

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World's First Portable Espresso Machine Now Available for US Caffeine Addicts [Cafe]

According to the manufacturer, the Mypressi Twist is the world's first truly portable espresso machine. According to myself, it's going to be my road to perdition.

The Mypressi Twist has a pneumatic engine—which works with CO2 cartridges that get you eight cups each—that allows you to brew a fresh espresso with no need for external power. You only need hot water and coffee to get your caffeine fix.

It will arrive to this country in the fall for $129, so the survivors from the swine flu can have espresso with their human bacon anywhere and at any time. [Mypressi via Single Serve Espresso via Engadget]

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