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Saudi Arabia: Parental Permission Required for Jihad

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Saudi Arabia: Parental Permission Required for Jihad

Saudi Arabia's latest plan to "reform" jihadis is getting positive reviews from Agence France Presse: Saudis use soft touch to 'save' former militants.

The care centre is Saudi Arabia's front line for ensuring that Al-Qaeda does not rear its head again, after a series of lethal domestic attacks between 2003 and 2006 forced Riyadh to concede the country was breeding terrorists.

More than 270 detainees — 117 released from Guantanamo — have already been put through the centre's programme to draw them back into the bosom of the Saudi state and persuade them to abandon politics.

The centre is the polar opposite of Guantanamo, where harsh interrogation methods aim to break the will of detainees.

Instead, the Saudi authorities mother them with ample food, recreation and classes designed to persuade them that they may have had good intentions [Translation: Jew-killing. --ed.], but that they had made the wrong choice.

"Now I know the rules and regulations for jihad," Hammami said. "First, it needs the consent of the government. Second, the consent of my parents."

"And then," he continued, "it's Jew-killing time!"

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