BLOG ALERT: High-Profile Gitmo Detainee Rearrested…
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BLOG ALERT: High-Profile Gitmo Detainee Rearrested…
It seems another former Guantanamo Bay detainee has been re-arrested for returning to terrorism. He already graduated from Saudi Arabia's militant 'rehab' program once, but he's now being returned to the Saudis again.
From the story: "Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Oufi was one of two Saudis released from Guantanamo who re-emerged as al-Qaida operatives in a militant video released a day after President Barack Obama signed an executive order to close the prison within a year."
See the full story here:
We can't trust other countries to do the hard work of bringing terrorists to justice. Al-Oufi stated his aim to strike America on a video released barely weeks ago, and many of the current detainees at Gitmo state their goals regularly and proudly. We must remain well equipped to defend ourselves against these violent fanatics, and that means, among other things, that we need to keep Gitmo open.
That's why Move America Forward has been working so hard on bringing this issue to the fore and pushing back against President Obama's dangerous executive order. Please watch the webcast of our recent press conference with Sen. Jim Inhofe and 9/11 families here ( or use the embed code below to post.
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We're hard at work raising the money to get this ad on the air on national outlets, but we need help spreading the word across the web. Please email with any questions or requests. We appreciate your efforts.
-Ryan Gill
Director of Operations,
Press conference video embed code:Free TV : Ustream
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