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NutRoot Outrage at Fake Video Bashing John Gibson of Fox News


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via American Conservative Daily by Warner Todd Huston on 2/20/09

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is a tale that should serve as a cautionary one to all that inhabit the Internet. It's all about the instant outrage, the ginned up hatred, the immediate immolation, that one sees so often infesting the left in our fair country. It shows how unhinged many there are. It started on the Huffington Post on February 19, when poster Alex Leo found what he thought was a video of John Gibson of Fox News saying that new Attorney General Eric Holder was like a monkey with a "bright blue scrotum." In reality, though, what Huffposter Leo found was a spoof video, not a real one, of someone else's words edited over the top of John Gibson's video.

It wasn't true. It was a fake. Regardless of the truth, however, the left-o-sphere went wild with faux outrage over the obviously "racist" John Gibson and his evil remarks. Within hours the tale had spread over to DailyKos, and other lefty bloggers as well as the site of supposed bastion of troof, Keith Olbermann. Even the profane folks at Wonkette went for the manufactured lie. Naturally, comments of outrage accompanied each posting on this fake story. (Thanks to JohhnyDollar for the work on this)

The story that invoked the scrotum discussion was about an escaped monkey from a zoo. The reporter had to mention that the animal had a "bright blue scrotum" as a distinguishing mark. This story came right before a segment with John Gibson. The scene in question with Gibson is at the very end of the clip. Here is the faked video.

But this is NOT what happened in truth. Here is the unaltered video to show what really happened.

Now, here is the thing. This video was an obvious fake. One had only to listen with attention to the faked video and it seems obvious. But the faux outrage was too good to pass up for the unhinged left.

Further, it is obvious that the Huffposter did not take any time at all to ascertain if his story was right. He just grabbed the video and went with it. So, the lesson is, double check, THINK before you post and be careful. Three things we can always count on the left ignoring.

Since yesterday Huffington Post made an update on the post correcting the story, but few of the other sources have corrected the record. You know the old saw, "a lie is around the world before the truth gets its boots on." That is certainly true in this case.


Things you can do from here:

